Removing skin tags (should you or should you not do it yourself?)

Samuel Ike | Email Copywriter
6 min readOct 31, 2020


Note: if you are short for time and want to go straight to the best skin tags removal solution available, then check out our best skin tag removal recommendation.

Those fleshy and soft growths that protrude from your skin and could fall off sometimes are known as skin tags. And because they tend to get snagged by jewelry or rub against clothing, they tend to be quite annoying even though they are quite harmless. But let us all be honest: you may get tired of looking at them is one or more skin tags are sitting in plain view.

What should you do?

Using a piece of string, nail clippers, or scissors are not advised except if you know what you are doing. Rather, pay a visit to the dermatologist and not the drugstore.

Skin Tags: What they really are

Skin tags are a covering of skin which comprises of fat cells, nerve cells, collagen fibers. They are a form of benign skin growth which are technically referred to as acrochordons. Some might have a dark colour, but usually they are coloured like our flesh. You would notice their initial growth in form of a bump that is flat and small. They could remain in that size. However, others could slowly protrude from the skin as they grow. Inside skin folds is where most are found with their most common locations being under the breasts, the groin area, armpits, neck, and eyelids.

Why skin tags form is a question no one seems to know how best to answer. However, pregnancy, obesity, and age are common reasons why they occur. Another possible trigger is from clothing rubbing against skin or skin rubbing against skin. Developing skin tags could also be as a result of genetic disposition. The risk could also be increased due to insulin resistance.

Removing skin tags is not backed by any medical reason. However, a dermatologist is the best person to contact to remove them if you find them to be unsightly or bothersome. While most skin tags remain on your body, most do sometime fall off on their own.

Skin tags removal remedies that involves surgery

One of three methods of skin tags removal are usually used by dermatologists. Their final selection would usually depend on the growth’s location and size. An anesthetic might not be required when removing a small skin tag. A brief discomfort is all you would notice. However, a topical anesthetic might be applied by the doctor before proceeding if there are multiple skin tags or if the skin tag is larger in size.

Cauterization — in this procedure, electric current is used to burn off the skin tag at the base. The process is also known as electrocautery. The procedure has a dual purpose as it does not only get rid of the skin tag but also prevent bleeding and infection by sealing the wound.

Cryotherapy (freezing) — this procedure involves using liquid nitrogen to freeze off the skin tag. Usually within 10 days the skin tag would fall off. You should expect to feel a brief burning sensation because of the liquid nitrogen.

Excision — a sterile surgical blade or a scalpel could be used to remove small skin tags that have a stem or stalk (known as pedunculated skin tags). In order to decrease any bleeding, the dermatologist might apply a chemical compound. Again, it is very important to remember that the scissors that would be used are sterile and much sharper than the nail clippers or scissors that you have at home.

Why removing skin tags at home is not a good idea

Using nail clippers or scissor are some of the methods that people use to try to get rid of skin tags at home. However, those methods are far from ideal and can go wrong very quickly. Using a skin tag removal professional like a dermatologist is still the best way to get rid of skin tags on your neck, eyelids, or any part of your body. And there are a couple of reasons why this is so:

You can never be too sure that you are about to get rid of a skin tag — that growth could actually be something else completely like a skin cancer such as melanoma or a wart. This is why before you decide to get rid of that growth it is important to have a dermatologist examine it. You could end up leaving behind cancer cells that can multiply and spread if you remove a growth that is really a skin cancer.

Also, a sign of a hormonal or endocrine syndrome like PCOS (polycystic ovary syndrome) or acromegaly could show symptoms like those of skin tags. If an underlying condition is being suspected, the dermatologist would need to examine the growth further by sending to a lab the skin tag that is removed.

Some people use dental floss, over-the-counter ligation device, or something else to tie off skin tags and wait for it to fall off. There is the likelihood that this skin tag removal method could work. However, you could end up with an infection and also bad smell from rotting of the skin tag.

Skin experts say that any excision you do by yourself a home might not lead to any problems is the skin tags are smaller in size. However, the process is still takes a lot of time when it does work, can be painful, and could lead to skin irritation or an infection if you end up tying off something that is too big or inappropriate.

On the internet tea tree oil and apple cider vinegar are very popular home remedies. However, skin experts are convinced that you should not expect to get any results if you choose that route. Apart from the possibility of an allergic reaction that tea tree oil is known to cause, the other methods might actually cause you irritation. They also claim that there is little evidence that proves that any of these approaches actually work.

Another option would be the use of over-the-counter freezing kits. However, several applications are often required and the results of a visit to the office of a dermatologist can never be compared to the results that these kits would give to you. They state that a dermatologist’s spray that can remove skin tags are more effective than the ones that are available OTC. Also, infection and scarring always occur from freezing normal tissue whenever you use these OTC skin tags sprays because people usually over-spray the surrounding skin.

You should never use any type of diy or at home kin tag removal remedy near the genitals, eyelids, or neck.

In conclusion, a trip to the dermatologist is the best recommendation if a skin tag is irritating you or if you simply don’t like the look of it and want to get rid of it. If you really must use a skin tag removal remedy then consider our best skin tag removal recommendation.

Disclaimer: Please note that I am not a medical expert. As such, the views I have expressed above should not be taken as professional medical advice. They are simply my own opinions of what has worked for me in my on-going journey to become healthy and fit. Always consult your doctor. Also, you should assume that some of the links contained in my article are affiliate links. This means that if you do choose to purchase any of my recommendations I would be compensated by the affiliate network at no extra cost to you. Thank you.



Samuel Ike | Email Copywriter
Samuel Ike | Email Copywriter

Written by Samuel Ike | Email Copywriter

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